

Thursday, November 10, 2016

10A Email Marketing

     For a yoga business, newsletters are a great way to stay connected with your group of students. Once a month or every other month I believe is sufficient if you have some valuable information. It is useful for sharing upcoming events as well as inspiring stories of how yoga has impacted someone's life. One of the newsletters I receive includes a short sequence of poses for a specific purpose, such as easing low back pain. Another newsletter I subscribe to also includes a couple delicious recipes relevant to the season or holiday.
     I think my students would enjoy information about the origin or purpose of some the poses we do as well as inspirational quotes or stories that uplift the spirit. They also enjoy jokes or funny stories having to do with cats and yoga. Information on anatomy and how different poses affect the body might also be interesting. Tips on staying healthy or losing weight are generally very popular topics as well. The key is short, sweet and to the point so they look forward to the next one.


  1. Hi Sophia,
    I think having a monthly news letter for your yoga group is a great idea. Who doesn't love yoga cats? (Yea I'm a total sucker for that stuff!) Yoga is something that can have a monthly letter because it's a continuous activity and people can take the time to try out the new poses and ask questions about it during class.

  2. Hello, Sophia. I really like your ideas for a newsletter. Its cool that you have their interests and well-being in mind. I think it would be cool to maybe advertise poses that the students will be working on. That'd be really intriguing if I were a student so that I have the option to try and practice some and not embarrass myself when it comes time to show up, lol.

  3. Hey Sohpia! I love your ideas and think your company is off to a great start. I think you could add maybe a discount newsletter for first time students. I have seen 20 consecutive days for 20 dollars to get students interested.
